History / What's new

A brief history of the software and of our research

The project is suspended now.

If you would like to help us (as a volunteer) to revive it please contact with me



  • 04.11.2024 Bugs in links fixed
  • 14.04.2017 link to 3.1 version updated
  • 21.10.2013 Comparison of all models' fit published
  • 12.09.2013 R scripts (evaluator and profile generator) updated (version 0.9.5) Bugs fixed. Virtual Machine (VMWare) with updated scripts uploaded. Please test.
  • 09.2013 Two articles: M. Szmit, A. Szmit, M. Kuzia, Usage of RBF Networks in prediction of network traffic, Anna Szmit, Maciej Szmit: O wykorzystaniu modeli ekonometrycznych do prognozowania modeli ruchu sieciowego, Zeszyty Naukowe Organizacja i Zarządzanie Nr 1154 (55), Politechnika Łódzka, Łódź 2013, pp. 193-201, ISSN: 0137-2599
  • 2.08.2013 Virtual Machine (VMWare) with preinstaled 3.1 verion of the preprocessor added to repository.
  • 3.06 2013 Nostradamus Conference with our article abut usage RBF ANN for network traffic prediction
  • 7.05.2013 Preprocessor version 3.1 for Snort added. Please test
  • 2012 Sławomir Adamus and Sebatian Bugała in their master thesis implemented the third version of AD project designed for Snort 2.9.0.X - some major improvement and architecture changes have been made. ProfileGeneration written in R language was allocated to separate application. This version had also addition of Evaluator script which can be used for fast and easy evaluation of generated network profiles. We wrote few articles about the current version of the preprocessor, Brutlag's algorithm implementation and its modification, usage of Holt-Winters-Taylor model, usage of pseudo-estimator LAD and SARIMA models and Multi-Layer Perceptron for network traffic prediction (i.a. in Communications in Computer and Information Science, Journal of Computer Networks and Communications, Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems Proceedings)
  • 2011 Article in Internet, Competitiveness and Organizational Security Conference proceedings (TBU Zlín) with descriptive statistics of gathered time series and zero-null models of the traffic, first article about Holt-Winters based models in Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science
  • 2010 The second version with some bug deleted is written by my former student Mariusz Tomaszewski. This (early beta) version of the program can analyze network traffic, generate traffic profile and detect traffic anomalies. A few additional time series gathered.
  • 2008 Adam Tynenski in his master thesis developed a live linux CD with preconfigured instalation of Snort(tm) and the preprocessor and gathered additional network traffic time seriers.
  • 2007 First articles about the preprocessor (in "Hakin9" magazine and conferences ISAT and CN proceedings)
  • 2006 The first version of AnomalyDetection preprocessor was written by my students Maciej Skowroński and Radosław Wężyk in their master thesis. Simultaneously we use the preprocessor to get data (time series) from a few real computer networks